Strategic Development Plan


Baku Slavic University in 2030: Strategic Plan

Explanation Section

The Strategic Plan of Baku Slavic University (BSU) for the years 2023-2030 (BSU in 2030) serves as a systematic framework for the University’s educational, instructional, research, and other learning and development processes. It is the foundational document guiding the implementation of the university's mission, vision, values and commitments. The "BSU in 2030" document is developed in accordance with the requirements of the normative-legal framework of higher education and science management in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the state programs for the development of higher education and research. It adheres to the Charter of BSU.İt is adopted by the Scientific Council and approved by the Rector.


To implement an accessible and high-quality learning and research process for the further development of society, the state, and human values.

By 2030, Baku Slavic University (BSU) will become one of the world’s leading universities in language learning and research. By 2030, BSU will also transform into a highly competitive and the most desirable workplace in Azerbaijan’s higher education and research space.

Our main goal is to establish the operations of Baku Slavic University in accordance with the modern requirements of higher education, aiming to become a competitive higher education institution in the regional and European higher education space. To achieve these objectives, we will create a unified connection between educators and students, ensuring the development of the achievements and successes gained in previous periods.

"BSU in 2030" focuses on the development of higher education program areas and the expansion of the range of specializations offered at BSU. Diversification in the fields of specialization and research will be carried out at all three levels of higher education, with a primary focus on maintaining and further developing BSU’s role as a center for pedagogy and foreign language learning. Within the framework of "BSU in 2030", a key objective is for BSU to become a prominent center of excellence in the study, testing, and certification of foreign languages, particularly in the field of Slavic languages, which BSU plans to develop into a regional hub during this period.

"BSU in 2030" envisions achieving all its goals in an environment of equal opportunities and accessibility, ensuring that both students and educators are engaged in the process of individual development and learning. By the end of "BSU in 2030", all educational processes at BSU will be carried out in accordance with the principles of inclusive education and learning, and the university’s infrastructure will be fully aligned to support inclusivity.

BSU aims to organize its management, teaching, research, and other activities in a manner that meets modern requirements, is digitalized, and aligns with international quality standards. The multilingual and interdisciplinary nature of the learning process is considered a vital tool, and the concept of lifelong learning lies at the core of this strategy. At BSU, alongside the 6th, 7th, and 8th levels of the Azerbaijan Qualifications Framework (AzQF), the principle of completeness in organizing education at the 5th level of the AzQF is also considered essential.

All members of BSU believe that:

  • Equal opportunities and accessibility in learning and research are the most important values,
  • The knowledge and skills of educators, students, and researchers should be measured by their academic and professional achievements and performance.

All members of BSU advocate that:

  • The learning and research process should ensure diversity, multidimensionality, and inclusivity,
  • All collaborations should serve learning, development, and the future.

All members of BSU know that:

  • Our graduates, as our product, must be able to create value in the economy,
  • Our teachers, students, and graduates are our key resources.

All members of BSU are confident that:

  • The learning and research process must be conducted in accordance with the principles of integrity, transparency, academic, and research ethics,
  • The learning process should ensure the creation of systematic knowledge,
  • Integration with appropriate education systems, especially in line with the European Higher Education System and the EHEA, is crucial for competitiveness and internationalization.

By 2030, Baku Slavic University will achieve the following key strategic objectives:

Education and learning are the core activities at BSU. Since BSU is not a research university, the primary focus here is on education and learning. To further develop education and learning, the following actions will be implemented:

Competence-based educational programs  
All educational programs at BSU will be developed and applied considering the requirements of the labor market and competence-based content creation. The creation of resources that support evidence-based knowledge and skills learning will be a major goal for all educational programs.

Digital modules for management  
The organization, registration, evaluation, and all other management and organizational tasks of the education process at BSU will be carried out through digital modules. Digitalization will be implemented within the framework of BSU’s digital management strategy, covering all stages of university life. The "BSU in 2030" program will ensure the establishment of the necessary infrastructure to support the digitalization of the teaching and learning process.

Quality culture  
Quality culture is not a task carried out by a single structure within a higher education institution. Quality culture consists of skills and habits and values of daily management, resulting from the mutual activities of all structures, and is measured and ensured through internal and external mechanisms and tools. The internal and external quality assurance mechanisms for education and learning will be implemented at BSU, and the development of resources, skills, and management will be aligned with quality management, academic integrity, and transparency standards.

Lifelong learning and continuous education opportunities  
Educational programs at BSU will be organized based on lifelong learning opportunities, with continuous learning and development options created for all staff, students, and alumni. BSU's additional education and short-term learning mechanisms will serve as a new learning opportunity and resource for all interested individuals.

Inclusive education and inclusion in education  
Ensuring inclusivity in the organization of training and teaching processes is one of the main goals of the "BSU in 2030" document. Additionally, the process of training pedagogical staff will be reorganized to consider inclusive teaching technologies for content, resources, knowledge, and skills. By 2030, BSU will be the leading higher education institution in the country, specializing in inclusive education and preparing the most competitive staff.

Content and research  
The research process at BSU will support the academic process, and relevant resources will be mobilized to ensure the close integration of teaching and learning with research.

Internationalization of education  
International collaboration will ensure the mobility of students, teachers, and researchers. Dual-degree programs will be implemented, and research institutes in various languages will be established. Educational programs will undergo international accreditations, and BSU will achieve high positions in international rankings. Foreign students will make up 15% of the university’s total population.

Science and research are a significant part of the activities at BSU. Expanding scientific potential and research opportunities, as well as improving the quality of teaching and the efficiency of management, are key goals.

Organization of research  
Research at BSU will be organized based on the academic needs of both the teaching and learning process and the university's scientific objectives. BSU’s scientific journals will be included in international scientific databases. The development of research and access to databases will be ensured, and access to international open innovations and open spaces will be provided. The BSU library will be digitized and enriched.

Turning knowledge into innovation  
Transforming knowledge into innovation will be a major goal at BSU. This process will directly serve the teaching process.

Innovation ecosystem  
Forming entrepreneurial skills in BSU educators and students is a major target. Their knowledge will lead to commercially viable research outcomes. Within the "BSU in 2030" framework, BSU will create a space for idea acceleration, where ideas will turn into startup projects and businesses in the education sector.

Internationalization and inclusivity of research  
The research process at BSU will be developed in the context of its internationalization, and joint international research projects will be conducted. BSU’s researchers will have expanded opportunities for local and international connections and integration.

Science, research outcomes, and efficiency in management  
Scientific outcomes and research results will play an irreplaceable role in the planning, organization, and transparent management of the teaching and learning process.

BSU’s people are its most valuable resource, and their continuous development is one of the main goals. Proper organization and management of human resources will form the foundation for determining the future of BSU.

Human resources  
To make BSU a competitive higher education institution, continuous development programs will be applied for all faculty members, their development will be supported, and the best specialists will be attracted to teaching at BSU.

Teacher development and internationalization  
Teacher development will be ensured through various exchange programs, and the number of foreign teachers will be increased. By 2030, the number of foreign teachers involved in teaching at BSU will reach 5%.

Training environment and material-technical base  
The material-technical base will be developed according to the requirements of the educational programs and competence-based teaching organization. The training environment and infrastructure serving learning will be created. To enhance student accessibility, satisfaction, and internationalization, all catering, sports, and other infrastructures will be upgraded or rebuilt, and dormitory conditions will be organized according to modern standards.

Digital BSU  
In line with the digitalization strategy of BSU, the material-technical base will be adapted, and infrastructure will be developed according to the relevant requirements. During this period, the Digital BSU project will be completed.

The "BSU in 2030" Strategic Development Program was adopted at the meeting of the Scientific Council of Baku Slavic University on September 25, 2023, and was approved by the Rector’s order.