Baku Slavic University is a university with the status of a public legal entity under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Baku Slavic University engages in activities of public significance and, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Education", provides higher education at various levels, as well as secondary special and additional education programs. It is a public legal entity that conducts fundamental, theoretical-methodological, pedagogical-methodical, and applied scientific research based on the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Science".
The university, in its activities, is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan on "Public Legal Entities", "Education", "Science", the decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, this Charter, other decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as other normative legal acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the orders and directives of the Ministry.
Directions of the University's activities
At the bachelor's level of education, the preparation of highly qualified specialists with a broad profile in various fields of study based on complete general secondary education and secondary specialized education programs;
At the master's level of education, a deeper study of any field of specialization for scientific research or professional purposes:
At the doctoral level of education, the preparation of highly qualified scientific personnel under the PhD and Doctor of Science programs, as well as the advancement of specialization and academic degrees:
Implementation of secondary specialized and additional education programs:
Conducting research in various fields and areas of science:
The highest governing body of the university is the Scientific Council. The establishment, authority, and organization of the activities of the Scientific Council are determined by the relevant regulations and Charter approved by the Ministry.
The current activities of the university are led by the Rector, who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.